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Archive for the tag “Nazi”

The Haman Complex: How To Betray Oneself (2)

” The light and careless way in which Ahasuerus handed away to Haman the lives of tens of thousands of his industrious and useful subjects is deservedly branded as ” perhaps the most shocking example of oriental despotism on record.” It ranks with the recent callous announcement of Nazi Hitler, that he was prepared to sacrifice the lives of a million Germans to invade England. Conscience and common sense alike protest the wrongness of such power being in the hands of any one man. A really sound and good man will refuse to bear such a responsibility singly. A bad man can only abuse it. Democracy may be beset with many complex difficulties, but it is immeasurably preferable to despotism or dictatorship.”

This is a quote from J. Sidlow  Baxter in reference to the book of Esther in Explore The Book, page 271.

Question: Have you ever face despotism in your life? What have you learned to avoid being controlled by it?

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