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Archive for the tag “RedBox”

“One Hit From Home”: An Insider’s Story

MV5BMTg5MDMzNTYzMF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwOTU2Nzc1Nw@@._V1._SX98_SY140_In keeping with my goal here at SEVEN to share solid resources that help integrate faith in all the communities of life, I want to point you to a story written by a good friend of mine who had the joy of acting in a film produced by two gifted young film directors in the Mid West. The film is: One Hit From Home, and can be found through Netflix, RedBox, and other outlets. Read what John Armstrong has to say about his experience acting in it, and the rich story surrounding it. (

Artists who are Christians, have an open field to explore when it comes to wrestling with life’s deepest struggles. We need to hear from more of them as they push their art form, and seek to understand the mysteries of life. All of us will pay to enjoy a true work of art. It’s my hope to see more original works of art in the caliber of a Johann Sebastian Bach masterpiece that will shape our culture for the better for generations to come. It seems these young director’s are on their way toward this goal. Let’s do all we can to encourage this kind of artistic development.

Question: Does art have a profound effect on your life? What have you seen lately that has shaped or challenged how you view life?

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